Covid-19 Update

Latest Update: February 15th, 2021
Published: January 13th, 2021
On January 12th, 2021, the CDC in the United States issued a new directive that now requires all travelers entering into the United States to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 3 days of their return flight, or have a postive COVID-19 test from the last 3 months, along with a clearance to fly. This order goes into effect starting January 26th, 2021. Canada ordered this same requirement effective as of January 7th, 2021. What does this mean for my trip to Cozumel, you may ask? Well, we have pulled together as many of the facts about this as we can in a very short time. We know that media can be very misleading at times so if you have questions about this, please read on. And please, read on before emailing me with questions. I’m simply not able to keep up to the deluge of emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, Facebook messages, etc. etc. etc. that these issues can generate.
So let’s answer the first big question right away, “Can I still come to Cozumel and is it safe?” The answer to that is “YES, YES, absolutely YES”. Although we have seen a slight up tick in new COVID cases here on the island since the holidays, it is not nearly the same as the surge experienced elsewhere. We have been very lucky here and remain very vigilant.
“Did President Biden Order all U.S. Travelers to Quarantine upon returning to the States?” – NO he did not. Let me say that again, there is no federal law in the United States requiring you to quarantine when you return. I strongly recommend that anyone who has questions or concerns on this matter read the actual order for themselves, not some Facebook version of the order, not something you heard on the news, and certainly not something you heard from someone else. Take 5 minutes and go read it. You can find by CLICKING HERE. Jump to Section 5 if you want to see the part that pertains to International Travel. NOW, all that being said, the Executive Order does pave the way for all sorts of 3 letter government agencies to look into this possibility. The order requests that within 14 days of January 21st that these agencies review the January 12th CDC order and can “take any further appropriate regulatory action, to the extent feasible and consistent with CDC guidelines and applicable law”. What does that mean? I think the best way I can answer that is, let’s see what happens February 4th.
“What exactly is this CDC order?” – What this CDC order says is that any traveler entering to the United States, via airplane, from a foreign country must have a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days prior to their flight. OR, if you have had Covid within 90 days prior to the flight, have proof of the positive test AND have a letter from your Dr. clearing you for travel. This order also gives the airlines authorization to deny boarding to anyone who does not comply. If you would like to read the actual CDC order I’ve included a link to it below.
“Can I get tested there in Cozumel?” – YES. Cozumel has been offering these test since the beginning of the pandemic. In addition, there was a meeting this morning of the government, hospitals, airlines, etc. as to how to address this new requirement and increase it’s testing capacity. As of right now, the island is just short of the capacity needed to handle everyone. And all of the island is coming together so that by next week, well before this mandate begins, we will be able to handle the full capacity needed. By Jan 26, there will be more than sufficient testing capabilities available for all travelers departing from the island.
“Where do I get tested in Cozumel?” – There are 2 hospitals approved by the US and Canada for testing. Both are accepted by the CDC and will provide you with the documentation you will need to return home. There are additional testing facilites and hospitals, but I prefer to focus on the ones that will serve you best.
- CMC hospital established their own testing facility last May. Currently prices are about $130 USD for the PCR test and $40 USD for the antigen test. Today CMC can process 120 tests daily, expanding on Monday to 240, and then by Jan 26 – 700 test daily.
- Amerimed – huge hospital organization all across the Quintana Roo region offers the PCR test for $150 USD and for th antigen test we have negotiated a special rate for $600 Pesos (or about $32 USD). Their capacity for testing on the island today is 120 persons, and they are expanding as well. Amerimed has now opened a testing just a short walk from Village Tan Kah. We can schedule your test for you at this facility.
- Local pharmacies have also started doing tests for about $350 Pesos, but you would need to take a taxi there and back. I’m also not sure at this time if they are first come first served or if they have schedules.
“Will you help me schedule my test at a facility?” – YES. We will work with you to schedule your test so that you don’t have to miss any dives and yet still get your results in the proper time frame for your return flight.
“Do the testing facilities accept credit cards” – YES, CMC hospital does. However we are not sure about Amerimed (at this time). Please check back to this page for updates, before you travel, but maybe be prepared to pay for your test in cash.
“Which test do I need before I can return to the United States?” – From what I can tell, it seems you only need the Antigen Test for your return trip. We have checked several different sources to make sure we have this right. The actual order issued by the CDC does say, and I’m quoting here, “Viral test means a viral detection test for current infection (i.e. a nucleic acid amplification test or a viral antigen test) approved or authorized by the relevant national authority for the detection of SARS-CoV-2”
“Which test should I get and which is better?” – Oh boy that is a loaded question and not an easy on to answer. I could fill pages and pages here talking about the differences. I’ve included some links below if you want to go do some research on your own. I’ll just say this, the antigen test can produce results within a matter of minutes where other testing methods will take 24 hours to get the results back.
“Will I need to get a nasal swab test?” – YES. Both testing methods require a nasal swab.
“Will getting this test impact my dive vacation?” – No, not at all – We can make the appointment for you withing the 3 days prior to your departure. If you are only come down for a week, in most cases we will schedule your test for you before you even arrive in Cozumel. Think of it like advanced reservations at your favorite restaurant. Tests can be completed either in the morning, and you can make an afternoon or twilight dive. Or in the afternoon after the morning dive trip. At this time I would tell you to plan on bringing an ID when you get tested, your passport will be best, I don’t think your C-card will suffice.
“Is there a test required to enter Mexico?” – NO! Who knows if they may in the future, I’ll update you if that changes. Right now the focus is on ramping up testing capacity.
“What if I test Positive?” – Some of this is still being worked out. If you are staying here at Village Tan Kah you will get 50% off the hotel stay for the days that you need until you receive your negative test results. If you are not staying with us, check with your hotel prior to your trip so you know what to expect. As of right now, we are required to designate a room, or rooms, depending on the size of the hotel, as quarantine rooms. Right now, the Hotel Association here on the island is working to designate one hotel as quarantine zone. So what does that mean? Not sure yet. This is one of the things they are working out. If the antigen test came back positive, I imagine that you would be required to then get a more accurate PCR test. But whether you would be able to quarantine here or have to go somewhere else, that has yet to be determined.
“I heard there are some exemptions to this CDC order, is that true?” – Maybe, for some places. For Cozumel, the basic answer to this is NO. I would not suggest trying to test the airlines, the CDC, or U.S. Government on this practice. I’ve heard that there are news stories saying exceptions could be made for certain areas in Caribbean. That is not the case for Cozumel. We have and are working on increasing our testing capacity. We do not want to risk a shut down to all travel to the island. However, in the CDC Order it does state that if you were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and are now asymptomatic after recovery, they do not recommend getting retested for at least 3-moths after the date of symptom onset. So if you fit this criteria, I would make sure that you have clear documentation from your medical professional stipulating this. What that documentation will/should look like is not clear at this time. I don’t think a simple “note for your doctor” will do.
“Can I get Trip Insurance to cover me for any COVID related issues before or during my trip?” – YES it appears you can now. At the beginning of the pandemic most trip insurance providers either stopped offering coverage all together or issued updates saying they wouldn’t cover anything COVID related. Well just with in the last couple days we have heard the DiveAssure (www.diveassure.com) and DAN (https://dan.org) now have plans for COVID related issues including coverage if you get COVID while on your trip and/or have to extend your stay because of positive COVID test. HOWEVER, PLEASE do your research, read the fine print after all these are insurance companies. Make sure you know what you’re signing up for.
Please keep in mind this whole thing just got announced Jan. 12th and we are trying to keep this page updated as often as we can There is a lot of information coming at us very fast. We will do our best to try and keep you updated as we can. Please, before you email with questions, check Facebook and this website. If you are not following us on Facebook and getting alerts to our posts, now would be a good time to start. See link below to our Facebook page. Check back to either our main FAQ page or this page for updates. If you have a question that we have not addressed here, please use the button below to email me and we can update this information with your question to help others who may have a similar question.
*** Stay tuned to this page for future updates! ***
Links and information
President Biden January 21, 2021 Executive Order – This the executive order that has so many people asking if they will have to quarantine upon returning to the States: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/21/executive-order-promoting-covid-19-safety-in-domestic-and-international-travel/
CDC Order – This is not a press release or someone else’s interpretation of the order, this is the actual order: https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/pdf/global-airline-testing-order_2021-01-2_R3-signed-encrypted-p.pdf
CDC Testing Overview – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/testing-overview.html
CDC explanation of antigen testing – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/resources/antigen-tests-guidelines.html
FDA info on Coronavirus Testing Basics – https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/coronavirus-disease-2019-testing-basics
World Health Organization information on testing – https://www.who.int/teams/global-malaria-programme/case-management/diagnosis/nucleic-acid-amplification-based-diagnostics
DiveAssure Trip Insurance Information – www.diveassure.com
DAN Trip Insurance Information – https://dan.org/membership-insurance/travel-insurance/covid-19-notice/